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Building Partnerships
Partnering with community organizations to win in battleground states like Minnesota.

Get Out the Vote
Getting out the vote in Philly by knocking on every door and speaking to every voter.

Immigrant Justice
SEIU API members turned out to May Day events across the country.

Historic LAUSD Strike
LAUSD workers won a wage increase, expanded fully paid health care benefits to thousands of workers, and more.
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아시아 태평양 섬 주민들은 미국에서 가장 빠르게 성장하는 단일 이민자 그룹이며
노동 운동에서 빠르게 조직되는 거대한 노동력. API 리더십 개발과 시민 참여는 그 어느 때보다 중요합니다.
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